guess wat ive only gone to skl for only a few daez n ive already have a LOT 2 learn nd if u think ive had enough of all this i have to learn the latin names of the elements in for chem. and we have to learn all this latin things for biology!! no kiddin...felis catus domesticus-cat, panthera tigris-tiger,panthera leo-lion, mammalia-mammal, prokaryotae-the bacteria, plantae=the green plants, nematoda-roundworms and all kinds of rubbish!!! and our slk motto- Moribus Modestus(demure & resolute)(the demure part does not really suit us!!*giggles* our values-determination, integrity, humility, graciousness. our vission- an accomplished young women serving with humility, striving to excel, building the past to meet the challenges of the future. our mission -'every TKGian is a leader' We aim to nurture every TKGian to be a leader who acts with determination, serves with humility, leads with integrity and grows in graciosness. the school asked us to come up with a class motto or something & we came up with the followng as a class:
1. Go Make A Difference( it was written ion the board like that...go mad(somuch for the demure part)the things were actually highlighted)
2.Esprit de corps(latin)-team work
3.tractus vires ex amicitia(latin)-drawing strength from friendship.
4.each days a new challenge
5.pasion,enthusissmo,determinacion(spanish)-passion. enthusiasm, determination
6.nullus secundus(latin)-second to none(my favourite)
7.catche esprit that we create.(this was the one which was selected)
made me a math representative!!!!= ( . found out that my e-math teachers a perfectionist, geog teacher allways thinks that we dont understand what she says and goes over the same thing again n again! a-math teacher gave birth this sat and is on maternity leave. chem teachers fast! bio teachers boring nd has a cool hairdo! english teachers verry ellagent. borrowed 3 bks 2dae: Dragon Rider(Cornelia Funke)Bras & Broomsticks'ALL ABOUT RACHEL'(Sarah Mlynowski),SKIN DEEP(CATHERINEBARRY)